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Maymunah's Reading Books-Quarter One




Each quarter you will be expected to read 4 required books and additional books as recreational reading. You will be given a period of two weeks to read each book and an additional week to complete any assignments required (book reports, discussion questions, writing assignments, etc.....)


Your first book has already been assigned: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This book needs to be read no later than Sunday, August 31st. You will have a week to complete all assignments for this book-due by Sunday, September 7th.


The next book will be put on the schedule this week by Friday.


The next book you will need to read is "Under the Persimmon Tree" by Suzanne Staples. You will have two weeks to read this book and need to be finished by Sunday, September 28th. You will have an additional week to complete any assignments in reference to this book and have to complete them by Sunday, October 12th. 

There will be no reading assignments until Monday, October 13th. We will be on our EID break.

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